I've always wanted my own personal website.
I imagine folks finding me or wanting to know more about me and visiting this site.
I also thought my personal site would be a good place to put my thoughts, documenting life, projects that I'm up to, and just deep insights and awe moments in life.
I have no idea how many people will visit or be interested in what I have to say, but just like the phrase on my epitaph, that is not the why behind me doing this:
She did what made her heart sing for an audience of One. Charisse Fontes 1986 -
My intention for all I do is to work backward with this epitaph in mind.
What will the outcome be? Not sure.
Will it matter? I don't know.
Am I doing this right? Maybe.
I have so much to say but often hold back on saying it. Not sure why. I am actually on a journey to learn more about this part of me.
If you are interested, inspired, or curious, I'd love to have you along on this journey.
Wherever this may lead.
I will be open, honest, and human.
I've always wanted my own personal website.
Light 🔆, Love ❤️, Live Long and Prosper 🖖🏾,
Charisse Fontes